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458 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force
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Album 1 Chapter 3 has arrived !

Album 1 Chapter 3 has arrived !

Now available for viewing...

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Next Installment Official Squadron Albums

Next Installment Official Squadron Albums

Album 1 Chapter 2 now available for viewing...

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ANZAC DAY 2014 That Was…….

ANZAC DAY 2014 That Was…….

See ANZAC Day 2014 reports as they come in from all States...

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Anzac Day 2014

Anzac Day 2014

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning,We will remember them...

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OFFICIAL SQUADRON ALBUMS Digital Collection Arrives!

OFFICIAL SQUADRON ALBUMS Digital Collection Arrives!

Digitizing of the two Official Albums is completed. All 524 pages!

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458 Newsletter, March 2014, Edition 249, Year 65

458 Newsletter, March 2014, Edition 249, Year 65

VALE New Zealand Flight President, Kevin George

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Tribute to Squadron Leader Gordon 'Orch' Orchard's Youngest Brother, P/O Norman Henry Orchard.

Tribute to Squadron Leader Gordon 'Orch' Orchard's Youngest Brother, P/O Norman Henry Orchard.

Norman Henry Orchard. Born 6th July, 1924. KIA 11th March, 1945.A Tribute to my Uncle Norman in Film. by Roland Orchard.

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