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458 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force
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ANZAC Day 2022


Check your local RSL for details of your local Dawn service and local March, and RSL website.  

 "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."

Details of where and when 458 Squadron Victoria Flight will be forming up are on the Anzac Day Page. Please look out for the 458 Squadron Banner. And don’t forget the Dawn Service at 5.30am at the Shrine if you can make it.

We are planning on going to the Jardin Tan Cafe (perhaps 11.30am/12 noon or so), just across Birdwood Avenue on the east side of the Shrine (phone number 03 9691-3878) for lunch and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Final details to be confirmed.

ALL details for the Day yet to be finalized (soon) and for other Locations please go to the ANZAC Day Page.

By the way, our WEBSITE has its 10th birthday on the 18th of April.

Information for Radio and Television Commentators